I remember being a senior in high school living my best life. Literally. I was having fun and enjoying my last days as a high schooler. Not having much to worry about. Knowing I would be heading to college, with an idea of where I wanted to go already. While, my senior year was a breeze, the application and college process was not. I remember applying to at least 15 schools or more. Out of all those schools I applied to, I was only accepted into two Universities. At the time I was very embarrassed, I felt those rejection letters were a personal attack. On me as a person, my family, what my future would look like, etc. Out of those two universities, I chose to attend the one closest to home. It wasn’t my choice at all, but it was my reality I had to face. My grades were great my last two years of high school but my first two years were extremely rough. At the time, I didn't understand the full extent to how important it was to do well all four years. I felt that those two bad years affected me in so many ways, I was now going to suffer for it. I had glimpses of college life & I was so excited to experience it.
well.. I wanted an experience, and I thats exactly what I got.
I had this whole idea in my head of what college would be like & how things would go. boy was I out of my league. I was so oblivious to all the changes I would face. I remember move-in day of freshman year. Y’all, I didn’t want my family to leave me. I wasn't ready at all for to be on my own in an environment I already didn't want to be in. It was tough and I went through a lot by myself. My first semester was so hard, but eventually things started to turn around. However, its an experience that I wouldn't trade because I wouldn't be who I am today without it. I met some great people there and HBCU social life is like NO OTHER.
I always had the intentions to transfer, I just didn't know where exactly. My sister attended Vanderbilt University in Nashville, so I immediatly was thinking of schools there. I already loved Nashville from what I could see, so it only made sense to go there. One day my sister told me about a school called Lipscomb University. She passed it everyday when she went to mentor children at a school close by. Next thing you know, I'm researching the school and what programs they offer, and I applied. Waiting to hear back was very stressful, as I was hoping for this. Then one day I was scrolling through my email and there it was, my acceptance letter. I screamed, immediately FaceTimed my sister, so excited to tell her I would be joining her in a new city. Everything I worked hard for and endured was going to pay off.
I was so excited to be transferring to a new school that I picked and in a new city. I was ready to meet new people and start working towards my future. Nashville is an AMAZING college town. There are so many schools and things to get into all around the city and in the surrounding areas. I was also excited to have my sister not too far from me. Literally we were 10 mins away from each other. During my time at Lipscomb, I met many people from all around the country, I met life-long friends, made amazing connections with professors and classmates, and I went through some pretty crazy shit along the way. I'm not here to make my experience seem like a breeze. It was tough, I struggled, I contemplated quitting, my faith was tested, friendships came and went, I had personal challenges within my major & changing majors. The list could go on, but that's life and we all experience our own challenges. It's what help us grow into better versions of ourselves. I learned so much and my faith was strengthened immensely throughout my time away.
The biggest takeaway from this post is to show its possible. If you have a dream, or know you want better for yourself, DONT STOP! Work for what you want, it will work out in the end. Also, please know that even if we achieve what we want it doesn’t mean we won’t deal with obstacles along the way.
So, this gives the basics on where I started and where I finished but I not on the important in between details. Come back tomorrow to see my last post on my #talkswithtayy college series.
Until next time,